Cold weather can age your skin! You need to read this…

13 January 2014  |  Admin

When we think about potential causes of ageing, cold winter weather can be overlooked. 

Many researchers claim that cold weather, cold winds and changes in temperature from cold outside to hot inside homes can cause skin to dry and flake.  Keeping it moisturised is a key element of any anti ageing regime.  Researchers claim that it is one of the top 7 issues that ages the skin. 

Cold weather can also be a key trigger for eczema, rosacea and atopic dermatitis flare ups!

Lets not forget that it is not just our faces that age too – what about our hands? 

Flaky and dry hands can get sore and cracked if not cared for. 

In winter we often need something that will give our skin that extra boost.  

Life is for living so pick a good moisturiser to boost your skin and provide deep hydration . Try one which includes Baobab oil which contains rich anti-oxidents.  For itchy flaky skin you will need some special ingredients like Marshmallow oil that really helps! You will need Aloe Vera to soothe and Rosehip for that youthful glow.  Borage Oil is known for its hydrating and soothing properties and Chickweed and Calendula extracts to calm and heal the skin.

Which product has 14 natural actives that will set your skin free?

Only yours truly - Dry2Alive.  Set your skin free today by Ishiso.  

All this and 98% natural and as gentle as water.

Have a look at our ingredients and order yours today. Free standard delivery in the UK.